Danes je 03 Dec 2024, 05:36

Train Insane, or remain the same.

Dnevniki članov skupnosti Natural Muscle Zone. Svoje treninge, prehrano, fotografije in zanimivosti iz svojega življenja lahko delite z drugimi ali pa jih zapišete za lastno evidenco.
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Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 541
  • Pridružen: 07 Jun 2012, 17:45

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor20 Apr 2013, 18:32

@Bor: Jap, danes pa FSQ z lukno v pavzi :mrgreen:

... danes na sporedu DL 3+ @ 148kg x 8, asistenca: pause front squat, pullups, DB row in nekaj malega za meča ter trebuh.

Nekaj fotk obrokov:

I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes.
I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish.
I believe in myself, I bow to no man.
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 652
  • Pridružen: 19 Nov 2011, 12:45

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor20 Apr 2013, 18:38

holy shit dat food p0rn :o
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 372
  • Pridružen: 03 Jul 2012, 11:22

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor20 Apr 2013, 18:38

kako ti to vse gre v vnos? :o

Jejte kolikor hočete, če vam teži kdo zaradi teže, pojejte tudi njega.

"Skrivnosti so za amaterje. Štrudle pa za proje" Boštjan Bavcon
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 541
  • Pridružen: 07 Jun 2012, 17:45

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor20 Apr 2013, 19:06

@rbizjak: tebi ne pirporočam ogleda talih tem s slikami hrane... ker si v deficitu. U mad bro? :mrgreen:

@Cruts: zakaj ne bi?
I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes.
I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish.
I believe in myself, I bow to no man.
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 372
  • Pridružen: 03 Jul 2012, 11:22

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor20 Apr 2013, 19:11

Ferrarilover napisal/-a:@Cruts: zakaj ne bi?

kolikšen pa imaš dnevni vnos? :D

Jejte kolikor hočete, če vam teži kdo zaradi teže, pojejte tudi njega.

"Skrivnosti so za amaterje. Štrudle pa za proje" Boštjan Bavcon
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 652
  • Pridružen: 19 Nov 2011, 12:45

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor20 Apr 2013, 19:52

Ferrarilover napisal/-a:@rbizjak: tebi ne pirporočam ogleda talih tem s slikami hrane... ker si v deficitu. U mad bro? :mrgreen:

v moj deficit 2700 kalorij na dan paše svega i svašta :D
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 541
  • Pridružen: 07 Jun 2012, 17:45

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor20 Apr 2013, 19:57

@Cruts: 200gB, 300off-440on gOH in 80off-70on gM... počasi pa delam na tem da bo vse dni enak vnos :geek:

@rbizjak: ti se kr tolaž :mrgreen:
I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes.
I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish.
I believe in myself, I bow to no man.
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 541
  • Pridružen: 07 Jun 2012, 17:45

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor23 Apr 2013, 19:00

Updating... v ponedeljek BP 3+ @ 85kg x 6, asistenca: DB BP, DB MP, nekaj laternih dvigov ter triceps.
Danes SQ 3+ @ 105kg x 10, asistenca: 5x1 pause squat, rack pulls ter pullups.

Odkril novo drogo - cmoki s pudingom!! super setting them bitchez :lol:

I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes.
I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish.
I believe in myself, I bow to no man.
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 541
  • Pridružen: 07 Jun 2012, 17:45

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor27 Apr 2013, 19:54

Ap tu dejt: Včeraj OHP 1+ @ 50kg x 5: aistenca: DB IBP, nekaj laternih dvigov ter occlusion triceps.
Danes DL 1+ @ 156kg x 5, asistenca: FSQ, pullups, DB row, occlussion meča ter biceps.

Še nekaj CLEAN hrane - glede na temperaturi, ki so bile zadnje čase je temu primerna količina sladoleda :mrgreen:

I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes.
I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish.
I believe in myself, I bow to no man.
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 1306
  • Pridružen: 17 Mar 2012, 23:32

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor27 Apr 2013, 22:02

hrana je res top! pa tudi treningi lepi.

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