Danes je 03 Dec 2024, 06:53

Train Insane, or remain the same.

Dnevniki članov skupnosti Natural Muscle Zone. Svoje treninge, prehrano, fotografije in zanimivosti iz svojega življenja lahko delite z drugimi ali pa jih zapišete za lastno evidenco.
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Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 541
  • Pridružen: 07 Jun 2012, 17:45

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor30 Apr 2013, 07:04

Hvala spartan!

Včeraj BP 1+ @ 90kg x 5, asistenca: DB BP, decline DB BP, dips ter occlusion triceps. Popoldne pa še 1h kolesarjenja povprečn pulz 160 :shock: ... kondicija na psu :mrgreen: pump po klancih navzgor nenormalen :lol: sem tudi hidrate ustrezno povečal, cos we ain't cutting 8-) - 540gOH
I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes.
I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish.
I believe in myself, I bow to no man.
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 541
  • Pridružen: 07 Jun 2012, 17:45

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor01 Maj 2013, 15:12

Danes trening v družbi jenca in BIBIja... na sporedu je bil SQ 1+ @ 110kg x 4 <--FU! Pričakoval več, but hey... Asistenca: nekaj enk pause squatov s 110kg, rackpulls ter pullups, nekaj serij za biceps in meča. Namen imam narediti dva deload treninga nato en ali dva dni pavze ter začeti nov cikel!
I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes.
I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish.
I believe in myself, I bow to no man.
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 541
  • Pridružen: 07 Jun 2012, 17:45

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor16 Maj 2013, 18:54

Yeah... I'm still alive :) ... da malo posodobim tole svojo žalost od dnevnika :mrgreen:
Treniramo pridno, od kar se nisem javil sem opravil deload in začel s tretjim ciklom. OHP 5+ @ 46kg x 9, DL 5+ @ 143kg x 9, BP 5+ @ 83kg x 8, SQ 5+ @ 103kg x 11, OHP 3+ @ 50kg x 6, DL 3+ @ 150kg x 8, ter danes BP 3+ @ 88kg x 5... nekaj sem bil švoh danes, bo drugič bolje :lol: jutri SQ 3+ :D
I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes.
I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish.
I believe in myself, I bow to no man.
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 541
  • Pridružen: 07 Jun 2012, 17:45

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor17 Maj 2013, 19:43

Danes SQ 3+ @ 108kg x 8, asistenca: BoxSQ: (20") 3x108, 120, 3x3x140kg, pullups: 3xLT+20kg, 2xLT+30kg, 2x1xLT+40kg, nekaj malega za meča in biceps.
I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes.
I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish.
I believe in myself, I bow to no man.
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 541
  • Pridružen: 07 Jun 2012, 17:45

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor20 Maj 2013, 18:46

V soboto sem imel prost dan od uteži sem pa mogel na kolo @ 1h AVG. HR 150BPM. Včeraj OHP 1+ @ 53kg x 5, asistenca: push press, nekaj laternih dvigov ter CGBP. Danes po dolgo časa res zadovoljen s treningom na sporedu je bil DL 1+ @ 160kg x 6, asistenca: FSQ (2x100kg z nekaj rezerve) pullupsi z lastno težo v super serijah z ekstenzijo ter nekaj malega za meča ter biceps.
I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes.
I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish.
I believe in myself, I bow to no man.


  • Prispevkov: 49
  • Pridružen: 27 Sep 2012, 09:51

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor24 Sep 2013, 22:53

No pa sem te nasel! :)
Bom malo prebral, da vidim kaj si pocel do sedaj.
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 541
  • Pridružen: 07 Jun 2012, 17:45

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor25 Sep 2013, 05:18

:)... i'm Fu****

No če sem že ravno pri pisanju v svoji temi lahko tudi osvežim situacijo. Zaključil sem s 5/3/1, princip treninga mi je res ustrezal in sem tudi zadovoljen z napredkom, še nekaj statistike o napredku v dobrem letu (vmes krajša pavza od Wendlerja):
Before - After
DL: 1x140kg, 7x176kg
SQ: 1x120kg, 6x125kg
BP: 1x90kg, 7x95kg
OHP: 1x50kg, 4x60kg

BW: začetek 77kg, konec dobrih 88kg. Forma primerna prihajajočemu letnemu času :mrgreen:
I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes.
I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish.
I believe in myself, I bow to no man.


  • Prispevkov: 574
  • Pridružen: 25 Mar 2012, 12:12

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor25 Sep 2013, 06:43

Bravo za povišane teže pa predvsem za to,da si pršu v KDU :D
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 541
  • Pridružen: 07 Jun 2012, 17:45

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor25 Sep 2013, 14:15

Tenkju :D
I am the man responsible for who I am. When I look in the mirror each day, I stare my creator in the eyes.
I am responsible for what I have and will become, I am accountable for what I will or will not accomplish.
I believe in myself, I bow to no man.
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 3221
  • Pridružen: 09 Mar 2012, 23:03

Re: Train Insane, or remain the same.

Odgovor25 Sep 2013, 14:17

Bajsiji na kp. :D

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