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Dnevniki članov skupnosti Natural Muscle Zone. Svoje treninge, prehrano, fotografije in zanimivosti iz svojega življenja lahko delite z drugimi ali pa jih zapišete za lastno evidenco.
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  • Prispevkov: 18
  • Pridružen: 06 Avg 2013, 22:34

Re: Prof/

Odgovor11 Sep 2013, 21:06

hvala za popravke, bom popravil in obljubim da tud izboljšal formo ;)

anyway dans prsa dan

ogrevanje ramen


110x2+ 1 fail
100x4 +1 fail

Poševni bench

80x4+1 fail
70x 3 čist počasni spusti

Incline flys

20kg x8
36x 4

negativni DB press


Cable crossover

15kg 8,8,6,6

Ende :D

Makroti za enkrat zelo slabo bo treba nadoknadit upam da ni nič narobe če zvečer tolko pojem ker čez dan enostavno ni časa

zajtrk 30g wheya 3 slive male (20g b 6g oh3 )

malica ena Malica 1 200g puranji pohan zrezek v štručki (40b 80oh 7 M)

malica 2 malica 2 150g neke suhe klobase+ 3 jajca ( 51b 6 oh 19m)

obrok pred treningom jogurt 500ml (26b 22oh 1.5M) + napolitanka 25 g sem vzel kr 20g oh ( 26 42oh 1,5m)

Po treningu 60g wheya ( 45b 7oh 4m)

zaj pa me čaka 2 bagetti (250g ) ( 20b 72oh 6m)

200g puranjih zrezkov + zelenjava 50g kumarce ( 45b, 6 oh 5m)

257b 222oh 45m cca 2321 evo pa vidim da sem failal :S in to konkretno .... že pri b sem prekoračo zgornjo zstavljeno mejo in pri OH jao jao :D bo ju3 bolje

2321 kcal bo treba malo bolj uporabit glavo čeprav glede na bageto mislim da ta žemlja pri malici 1 nikoli nemore met 80g oh ker je taka mala da joj zrezek vsepovsod vn štrli morm ju3 poteškat da vidim al pa kr menjat to malco
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  • Prispevkov: 3221
  • Pridružen: 09 Mar 2012, 23:03

Re: Prof/

Odgovor11 Sep 2013, 21:11

Po mojem mnenju se preveč trošiš (preveč ponovitev) na ogrevanju pa začni se ogrevat z prazno štango ne vem zakaj so vsi tok jaki na fitnesu pa se zmeri ogrevajo z 60 za 10. Še Eric Spoto začne s prazno štango.

Pa ne tok fejlat. Missing lifts is never a good thing.

Začni bolj submaximalno trenirat.


  • Prispevkov: 18
  • Pridružen: 06 Avg 2013, 22:34

Re: Prof/

Odgovor11 Sep 2013, 21:43

Zakaj bi bilo preveč ponovitev no mogoče res je kaka preveč? Vzeto na znanje bom ogrel z štango, recimo pri benchu če vzamemo prvi 2 seriji sta ogrevanje 1 za motoriko giba in 2 za malo dodatne teže in ni working set potem pa so 4 working seti tiste faile pa je bla potrebna samo malenkostna pomoč da so šli do konca.

se opravičujem moji nevednosti sam nevem kaj bi blo submaximalno ... nižje obremenitve al kako ? hvala Boštjan
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  • Prispevkov: 3221
  • Pridružen: 09 Mar 2012, 23:03

Re: Prof/

Odgovor11 Sep 2013, 21:54

PROFESOR napisal/-a:Zakaj bi bilo preveč ponovitev no mogoče res je kaka preveč? Vzeto na znanje bom ogrel z štango, recimo pri benchu če vzamemo prvi 2 seriji sta ogrevanje 1 za motoriko giba in 2 za malo dodatne teže in ni working set potem pa so 4 working seti tiste faile pa je bla potrebna samo malenkostna pomoč da so šli do konca.

se opravičujem moji nevednosti sam nevem kaj bi blo submaximalno ... nižje obremenitve al kako ? hvala Boštjan

Zato, ker jih je preveč. 10.

Malenkostna pomioč gor dol dejstvo je, da si fejlal. Testiraš moč, namesto, da bi jo gradil.


Most programs will provide detailed weights, percentages, etc., regarding your work sets, but the warm-up sets are an after-thought. This is NOT something that can be overlooked, especially if you're looking to improve maximal strength! When I worked in a "regular" health club, I witnessed the same warm-up by almost every single person! 135 for 10-15 reps, then 185 for 8-10 reps, etc., etc. If you're looking to train with maximal weights, the worst thing you can do is perform too many reps in your warm-up! This will only fatigue you for the sets that "count". Don't get me wrong -- this doesn't mean you should jump right into your work sets without performing any warm-up sets; but, the key is to perform multiple sets of low reps in your warm-up. This will "save you" for the heavy sets. FYI, if you're someone who routinely performs 10-15 reps with your initial warm-up sets; be prepared to get instantly stronger the day you switch to low rep warm-up sets. On average, I've seen 10-20lb. increases on max lifts when people switch to this "low rep" method...TRUST ME on this one!

Here's a quick look at how I warmed up last week before benching. My three work sets were 350 x 3, 2, 2.

After performing a "general warm-up" to increase body temperature and some specific stretches, I hit the bench. Here's the warm-up:

135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 275x2, 315x1, 335x1

As you can see, I only performed 15 TOTAL reps in six sets. I handled heavy enough weight so that my work sets didn't feel heavy...and the speed of my work sets/reps improved with each set because my muscles weren't fatigued from performing too many warm up reps.


All you, all you!!!
If you're that guy that asks people to spot you all the time, only to have the weight crash down on your chest - as you proceed to attempt rep after rep - while the poor spotter has to perform max-effort shrugs, rows and curls to prevent the weight from splitting you in half... YOU SUCK AT LIFE! Oh yeah, you're definitely weak, too! Seriously though, have you ever noticed that the people who fit my above description are NEVER jacked?! The reason being is if you regularly perform "forced reps", you never know how much weight you're actually lifting yourself! And if increasing strength is your goal, proper progression is key! It doesn't matter if you perform your max-effort exercises "Louie Simmons-style" (where you attempt to break records each week), or you map out your exact percentages ahead of time; the bottom line is that if you don't know exactly how much weight you lift each week, you can't progress! And please don't be fooled by the spotter who says, "Dude, I barely helped you; that was ALL YOU." Think about this... how hard is it to shrug/upright row an empty barbell? It's not hard at all, regardless of who you are! So even if the spotter isn't 'killing himself', he can easily still be giving 45 pounds of 'help' while spotting someone on the bench. Bottom line is that it's NOT "all you" if someone is giving you (minimum) 45 pounds of help on any exercise!

Testing your Strength, instead of Building it

There is a BIG difference between testing your strength and building strength.

One of the biggest mistakes I see - especially among high school and college kids - is that they test their strength each week, instead of focussing on building it. I used to see this scene every Monday when I worked in the health club setting -- A bunch of skinny high school kids walk in the gym (wearing wife beaters); they do the classic "triceps stretch" for about 2 seconds each arm, then they throw 135 pounds on the bench. On average, they bang out 4-6 reps each. Then they throw on 185. The bar free-falls down onto their concaved chests as their legs flop around like fish out of water; by the grace of God, many of the kids are able to squeeze out one painful-looking rep. Then, every single week, 225 pounds gets thrown on the bar. Most of you probably know how the story ends. Every single kid gets crushed by the weight, then they repeat the process one or two more times - (while getting crushed worse each time) - before moving onto the next exercise. This takes place, week after week, month after month, year after year... with the exact same weights! In other words; kids who "test" their strength in this fashion always end up with the same "test results"!

Building strength requires more volume than just one "set" in which you get buried! Generally speaking, you want to perform multiple sets of low reps with 75% - 95% of your 1RM. Make sure you have a plan before heading to the gym and you're progressing each week. And make sure you're being honest regarding your 1RM when working with percentages! If you base your weights on a false 1RM, your training weights are going to be too heavy, which will lead to forced reps...and hopefully you now know how I feel about forced reps!

Pa še Paul Carter:

Any "program" or "method" that has you working up to 1 rep maxes in the gym isn't worth the paper it's printed on. I don't give two shits what the total or title of the author is that wrote it.

Great coaches that are in the business of getting people stronger don't care about their athletes demonstrating strength with 1 rep maxes. They care about building it. That means weeks and weeks of 8's, 5's, and 3's. Maybe some doubles.

However, no system that builds your base, or sets you up for super compensation (peaking, essentially), asks you to do 1 rep max attempts in the gym. It's pointless.

Training should be about laying the foundation for competition. Not about displaying it in a meaningless setting. If you're setting one rep maxes in the gym you probably won't be setting them on the platform.

As both Coan and Karwoski told me, you only have so many big attempts in you. Make sure when you take them, they count.

Enostavno vse preveč forsiraš.


  • Prispevkov: 18
  • Pridružen: 06 Avg 2013, 22:34

Re: Prof/

Odgovor12 Sep 2013, 18:08

Lepo citirano in razloženo, Defranca dobro poznam iz njegove strani, sem performal njegov trening (wsb) pred kakimi 3 leti mnda.

saj nisem forsiral 1rm kot v citatih piše, je pa failov res preveč in bom od zdaj naprej sforsiral sam eno serijo 2+fail ali 3+fail in se ogrel drugače( se pravi se prišparal za težje serije) hvala za nasvet in obrazložitev. Danes imam roke in savnanje ;)

makroti za zdaj

zajtrk 30g wheya 3 slive male (20g b 6g oh3 )
malica ena Malica 1 200g puranji pohan zrezek v štručki (40b 40oh 7 M) sem pojedel samo polovico štručke
malica 2 100g piščanca +150g one iste klobase iz prejšnih dni 150g neke suhe klobase+ 3 jajca ( 51b 6 oh 19m)
malica 3 me je lakota neke grabla čudno 3 jajca(15b 3oh 15m)
zdajle 40g neke čokolade ko gor ne piše makrotov tak da sem vzel ( 30oh pa 10m)

merica proteinov 23b 3,5 oh 2m)
potem 2 bageti (250g ) ( 20b 72oh 6m)
100g puranjih prsi (22b 1m)

191 b 161 oh 63M
764 644 567

dans sem kiksno z jajci ampak vseeno mi je kar uspešno zadelo pa tiste bagete mi ful pašejo neverjetno.


  • Prispevkov: 18
  • Pridružen: 06 Avg 2013, 22:34

Re: Prof/

Odgovor13 Sep 2013, 17:46

Lep pozdrav se opravičujem za napake, sam se mi mudi ker pičim v fitnes za 15 min

f**K ej že 2 dan sem totalno brez energije pa imam v jedilniku očitno premalo kalorij mi lahko kdo malo pogleda sem v decifitu dnevno pojem okoli 1800-2000kcal delam 11-12h dnevno ampak delo ni fizično je predvsem miselno priklapljanje robotov in stacionirano na enem položaju 2-3h na mestu.
potem pridem v stanovanje in spijem jogurt (ker hitro po šihtu treniram in ne maram polnega želodca)v službi bi vrjetno mogo več pojest, da bi telo blo prpravljeno na trening ali ?

danes porazno z hrano za enkrat

zjutraj 30g wheya + jabolko

malica kitajska slabih 100g govedine in cca 50g riža

vmes 30g beljakovinski napitek ker sem pozabil malice v stanovanju

in sedaj 500ml jogurt milcha pol ure sem na stanovanju in pičim na trening, na treningu je sicer vredu sam v službi pa umiram ni energije za živet se pravi morm makrote in kalorije dvignit ? zdaj pa na katerem področju B je cca 200 oh 170 in okol 50m dnevno ker nimam časa večino makrotov zaužijem zvečer po treningu v 2eh obrokih

dans po treningu 60g wheya
200g piščanca + solata
250g baget še mam lih 2 :D

aja včeraj nardil roke in sem upošteval nasvet o ogrevanju in failanju in hvala je blo občutit razliko

vaje skull crusher 6 serij (5,5,4,4,4,3)
dipsi weighted 6 serij (5,5,5,4,4,3)
biceps curl z bar ( 6,6,5,4,3,2)
db curl 4 serije ( 4,4,3,3)
superset tric. ext. vs preacher curl 4 set (8,8,8,8)

dans pa noge upam da bom lahko sploh kaj naredo ker sem čist v pi**I

ogledalo pa pravi, da napredujem v zgubljanju maščobe ampak je še vedno preveč;) nimam tehnice, ker delam na terenu in je nisem vzel zraven tako da teže nevem.
Prej ko nisem treniral v fitnesu sam na ulici sem imel hidratov okol 100g pa ni blo sile mogoče je melo telo tud več od kje črpat ali ?

teža nazadnje ko sem se vagal 10 dni nazaj je bila okoli 85-86kg


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