Danes je 10 Feb 2025, 14:07

Coming back stronger

Dnevniki članov skupnosti Natural Muscle Zone. Svoje treninge, prehrano, fotografije in zanimivosti iz svojega življenja lahko delite z drugimi ali pa jih zapišete za lastno evidenco.
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  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: Coming back stronger

Odgovor22 Avg 2017, 21:52

Torek, 22. 8.

DB bench press (5 sec eccentric) 4x10x22.5
& DB fly (hold 2 sec) 4x15x10
& Inclined diamond pushups (5 sec eccentric and 2 sec hold) 4x10

Bent-over triceps extension (hold 2 sec) 4x12x7.5
& Lying DB triceps extension (5 sec eccentric) 4x10x10
& Chair dips (5 sec eccentric) 4x10 bw

Overhead press (5 sec eccentric) 4x10x30
& DB lateral raises (slow eccentric, not lowering completely) 4x12x2.5

Inclined DB bench press (5 sec eccentric) 2x10x17.5, 2x10x15
Inclined hex press (5 sec eccentric, 2 sec pause) 4x8x10
Dips (5 sec eccentric) 4x5 bw

zmanjkalo časa za cable triceps extension


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: Coming back stronger

Odgovor23 Avg 2017, 20:22

Sreda, 23. 8.

Push (medium stress):
Close-grip bench press (5 sec eccentric) 2x10x50, 2x8x55
Push press (5 sec eccentric) 2x10x40, 2x8x45
Lower (high stress):
Paused front squat 3x6x60
& split squat (5 sec eccentric) 3x12x12 kg
& split squat 3x25 bw
Pull (low stress):
Chinups (slow eccentric) (4x5) 2x7x+7.5, 2x6x+10
Roll abs 4x20


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: Coming back stronger

Odgovor24 Avg 2017, 20:26

Četrtek, 24. 8.

DB shrugs (hold and slow eccentric) 4x10x30
& upright barbell row (slow eccentric) 4x10x20

Bent-over barbell rowing (5 seconds eccentric) 4x10x50
Bench lateral raises (5 seconds eccentric) 4x15x2.5

Preacher curls (5 seconds eccentric and hold) 4x15x7.5
Hammer curls (2 seconds hold) 4x12x10

Seated cable rowing (5 seconds eccentric) 4x10x50
Chest supported row (5 seconds eccentric) 2x10x54, 2x8x50

Reverse grip cable curls (5 seconds eccentric) 2x10x31.8, 2x10x27.2
Normal grip cable curls (2 seconds hold) 2xMax x31.8, 2xMax x27.2
Rope cable curls (partial ROM) 2xMax x27.2, 2xMax x22.7


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: Coming back stronger

Odgovor25 Avg 2017, 21:14

Petek, 25. 8.

Pull (medium stress)
Seated cable row (5 seconds eccentric) 4x10x59kg
DB row (5 seconds eccentric) 4x10x27.5
Push (high stress)
Bench press 3x6x70
Inclined DB fly 3x12x12.5
Inclined DB press 3x25x7.5
Lower (low stress)
Paused front squat 4x5x70
Lower unilateral
Seated hamstring curl 3x12
Knee raises 3x


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: Coming back stronger

Odgovor26 Avg 2017, 18:08

Sobota, 26. 8.

LOWER + roke
Lying leg curls 3x12x5kg
& single leg hyperextension 3x10

Izpadni nazaj 3x5x70
& split squat 3x20 bw

Single leg hip thrust 3x10

Preacher curls 2x20x7.5, 2x15x10
& hammer curls 2x15x10, 2x10x12.5

Triceps cable (slow ecc., 2 sec hold) 3x15
&Triceps cable (partial ROM) 3x15

Biceps curl ez (slow eccentric) 3x12
& cable curl (2 sec hold) 3x10

Malo manj LOWER dela, jutri gore :D


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: Coming back stronger

Odgovor29 Avg 2017, 16:17

Ponedeljek, 28. 8.


Push (low stress):
Bench press 5x70, 5x72.5, 5x75, 5x70
Pull (high stress):
Barbell rowing 3x6x60
& Inclined seal row DB 3x12x15
& bent-over lateral raises 3x25x2,5
Lower bilateral (medium stress)
Paused front squat (5 sec eccentric) 3x8x50
Romanian deadlift (5 sec eccentric) 3x10x60
a lot
Torek, 29. 8.


V-bar pressdown (eccentric, hold) 4x10 (teže: 41, 45.5, 45.5, 41)
& Rope pressdown (partial ROM) 4x10 (teže: 27.5, 32, 32, 27.5)

DB bench press (5 sec eccentric) 10x27.5, 2x8x27.5, 10x25
& DB fly (hold 2 sec) 3x12x12.5, 12x10
& Inclined diamond pushups (5 sec eccentric) 4x8

Overhead press (5 sec eccentric) 10x35, 9x35, 10x32.5, 10x30
& DB lateral raises (slow eccentric, not lowering completely) 4x12x2.5

Bent-over triceps extension (hold 2 sec, eccentric) 4x15x5
& Lying DB triceps extension (5 sec eccentric) 4x10x7.5
& Chair dips (5 sec eccentric) 4x10 bw

Inclined DB bench press (5 sec eccentric) 4x12x15
Inclined hex press (5 sec eccentric, 2 sec pause) 4x8x10
Dips (5 sec eccentric) 4x5 bw


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: Coming back stronger

Odgovor30 Avg 2017, 21:47

Sreda, 30. 8.

Push (medium stress):
Behind the neck press (eccentric slow) 2x8x35, 2x10x32.5
Close-grip bench press (5 sec ecc) 4x8x55
Pull (low stress):
Chinups (s pasom) 6x15, 4x20, 5x20, 4x20
Paused BACK squat 3x6x60

Core 3x
Roll abs 3x25
Hammer curls 3x10x15kg


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: Coming back stronger

Odgovor31 Avg 2017, 20:45

Četrtek, 31. 8.

Bent-over barbell rowing (5 seconds eccentric) 2x8x60, 2x10x50
& Bench lateral raises 4x12x5

DB shrugs (hold and slow eccentric) 4x10x35
& upright barbell row (slow eccentric) 4x12x20

Preacher curls (5 seconds eccentric and hold) 4x15x10

Hammer curls (2 seconds hold) drop set (17.5, 15, 12.5, 10, 7.5, 5)

Seated cable rowing (5 seconds eccentric) 3x10x59, 10x54.5
Chest supported row (2 sec pause) 3x10x50, 10x45.5

Reverse grip cable curls (5 seconds eccentric) 4x10-12
Normal grip cable curls (2 seconds hold) 4x max
Rope cable curls (partial ROM) 4x max


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: Coming back stronger

Odgovor12 Sep 2017, 11:45

Po četrtkovem treningu sem se odločil za 3 dni popolne pavze, torej do nedelje. Potem sem pa še zbolel,en lažji trening opravil šele v sredo in nato počival do naslednjega tedna :roll:

Sreda, 6. 9.
Trap bar deadlift 4x5x124
Behind the neck press
Box squat 2x130, 3x5x120

Ponedeljek, 11. 9.

TEK (fasted)
35 min

Pullups (slow eccentric) 3x6
& inclined seal row DB (hold and eccentric) 3x12x15
& bent-over lateral raises (hold and eccentric) 3x25x1.25

Romanian deadlift (podlaga prsti, eccentric, no pause) 3x8x50

Paused squat (piggy, eccentric, pause at the bottom) 3x8x50

Bench press 4x5x65

Biceps curl (hold, squezze, eccentric) 4x 15/15/12/12 x 10kg

Zadnjič spremenil gapec10, dne 12 Sep 2017, 18:30, skupaj popravljeno 1 krat.


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: Coming back stronger

Odgovor12 Sep 2017, 18:29

Torek, 12. 9.

TEK (fasted)
45 min:
Hill sprints 4x11s, 4x6s

PUSH - vse pavze med serijami 45 s
Inclined diamond pushups (eccentric) 4x8
& DB bench press (eccentric, no pause) 4x10x20
& DB fly (stretch 2 sec) 4x15x7.5

Overhead press (eccentric) (4x8) 2x8x35, 8x32.5, 8x30
& lateral raises (hold, eccentric, non-stop) 4x12x2.5

Lying triceps extension ez bar (eccentric) 4x12x10(+štanga)
& bent-over triceps extension (hold) 4x15x5
& chair dips (eccentric) 4x10

Inclined hex press (eccentric, no pause) 4x10x10
& dips 4x8
& Inclined DB bench press (eccentric, no pause) 4x8x15

V-bar pressdown (eccentric, hold) 4x12 (teža: 40kg)
& Rope pressdown (partial ROM) 4x15

Leg raises variacije 3x

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