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Dnevniki članov skupnosti Natural Muscle Zone. Svoje treninge, prehrano, fotografije in zanimivosti iz svojega življenja lahko delite z drugimi ali pa jih zapišete za lastno evidenco.
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  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: 2017/18

Odgovor01 Sep 2018, 19:25

Ponedeljek, 20. 8.
Jutranji trening ob 6:30 :(
GYM - 1:20? h

Power clean 2x1x60, 3x1x65, 2x1x60

Deadlift 3x130, 2x130

Half squat 2x5x100

Bench press 11x60, 6x60, 10x50
& pushups 10/7/4

Rowing lying inclined bench 15/15/12
& bent-over reverse fly 3x14x2.5

Biceps hammer 15/13/11x12.5
& biceps lying preacher 12/10/8x7.5

Sobota, 25. 8.
Po 4 dneh pavze (priprave), odličen filing za počep in deadlift.
GYM - 1:20 h

Back squat 3x4x85

Deadlift 2x3x130

Reverse lunges (na 20kg plateu) 3x8x40 each

Military press 6/7/8x40

Reverse hyper 3x12x20

DB fly inclined 3x12x12.5
& barbell roll abs 3x12
& hanging knee raises 3x7

Torek, 28. 8.
Po celem dnevu dela, zvečer 1 urca hitrega treninga, kar zadovoljen
GYM - 1:00 h

Hexbar deadlift (low handles) 5x3x124
& hanging knee raises 10/10/8/8/8

Half back squat 3x3x100
& deadbugs 15/14/13/13/13

Bent-over rowing barbell 3x12x50
& hyperextensions 3x13 bw

Pullups 3x4x10kg
& Box deadlift with DB 3x10x40

Biceps curls drop set 12x15, 10x12.5/10/7.5/5

Sobota, 1. 9.

GYM - 1:30 h

Kolo 3,5 min

CMJ + 4 poskoki 1x ogrevalna, 4x max (palica na hrbtu)

Back squat 4x3x92.5
pretty easy or light

Deadlift 2x130, 2x140, 1x140

Reverse hyper 5x15x30

Pullups 8/8/7
& TRX row 3x15

Suit carry 3x 1 dolžina z vsako roko 50kg


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: 2017/18

Odgovor05 Sep 2018, 21:33

Nedelja, 2. 9.

TEK - 1:05 h

Tek ogrevanje 13 min

SJ + 2 poskoka 4x
& leg raises 4x10

Drop jump DJ 3x4
& Toes to bar 4x5

Assisted jumps 4x7
& fast knee raises 4x15

Tek 15 min

Ponedeljek, 3. 9.

GYM - 1:20 h

Squat jump 4x3

Hexbar low handles 3x134, 3x139, 2x144

Half squat 3x4x110

Bench press 3x6x70
& hyperextensions 3x15

Paused front squat 3x5x50
& lateral raises delts 3x12x5

Lying triceps extension DB 3x12x10
& DB fly inclined 15/13/11x12.5

Torek, 4. 9.

GYM - 1:10 h

Barbell bent-over rowing 15/13/11x50
& red band poteg 3x15

DB overhead press 12/10/9x20
& behind the neck press 9/7/8x20

Neutral pullups 8/6/5x10
Spider biceps curls 20/18/16x7.5

Lying triceps extension barbell 3x12x25
Pushups 10/9/9

Paused front squat 3x5x55

Hammer curls 18/16/15x12.5
& overhead triceps extension DB 18/15/13x17.5

Sreda, 5. 9.

GYM - 1:20 h

Poskoki 4x6

Squat jump na box(roke v bok) 2x3x20", 2x3x24"

Back squat 4x2x97.5

Deadlift 4x135, 2x140

Reverse hyper 4x15x20
& Knee raises 4x8x5kg

Bulgarian split squat 2x10x12.5kg each leg

Še naslednji teden treniram podobno, torej en dan moč lower, drugi dan hipertrofije upper. Vsak dan poskušam za mobilnost delati Paused front squat.


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: 2017/18

Odgovor12 Sep 2018, 20:41

Četrtek, 6. 9.


Lat pulldown 12x59, 9x59, 9x54.5, 11x50

Inclined bench press 8x55, 8x50, 6x50, 8x45

Biceps preacher curl ez bar 12x30, 10x30, 14x25

Lying DB triceps extensions 15x10, 11x10, 14/14x7.5

DB row 12/11/10x30 each

DB fly 20/18/16x10
& Chair dips 3x15

Paused front squat 3x5x60
& Biceps curls DB 3x12x12.5

Petek, 7. 9.

GYM - 1:25 h (MOČ)

Poskoki (palica) 5x8

Squat jump on box + skok na boxu 4x3x20"

Hexbar low handles 2x144, 2x2x149

Half squat 2x3x115

Push press 2x2x65

Reverse hyper 4x18x20

Paused front squat 3x5x65

Nedelja, 9. 9.

GYM - 1:10 h (MOČ)

Poskoki (palica) 4x8

Squat jump 3x3

Back squat 6/6/5x90

Deadlift 2x3x140

Split squat DB 4x10x10 each

Romanian deadlift DB 4x15x(2x20)

Ponedeljek, 10. 9.

TEK - 55 min

Vaje moč:
Pullups 9/9/7
& Chair dips 3x20

Chinups 7/6/5
& pushups 15/14/13

Leg raises 3x12
Crunches 3x12

Torek, 11. 9.

GYM - 1:25 h (MOČ)

Poskoki 3x6 bw, 3x6x(2x2.5kg)

Squat jump on box + skok na boxu 4x2x20"

Hexbar low handles 3x2x144

Half squat 4x105, 3x110, 1x115

Reverse hyper 4x15x20
& leg raises core bench 3x15

Paused front squat 3x4x70

Front feet elevated reverse lunges 3x10x(2x16kg)
& yoga ball crunches 3x15x12kg

Sreda, 12. 9.


Cable row 11/9x63.5, 10x59, 10x54.5

DB bench press inclined 10x25, 8x25, 8x27.5

DB row inclined 3x15x(2x17.5)
& Pushups 3x12 (na ročkah)

Close-grip bench press 3x10x50
& lateral raises 3x10x(2x5kg)
& lateral raises 3x10x(2x2.5kg)

Preacher curls biceps 3x
Hammer curls 2x

Deadbugs 3x10


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: 2017/18

Odgovor16 Sep 2018, 20:46

Četrtek, 13. 9.

GYM - 1:25 h (MOČ)

Poskoki 4x8

Squat jump 4x2

Back squat 4x2x100

Deadlift 2x3x130

Reverse hyper 3x15x20

Leg raises core 3x12

Petek, 14. 9.


Lat pulldown 10x63.5, 10x59, 10x54.5, 12x50

Naprava chest press 12x80, 11x80, 9x70, 11x60

Biceps preacher curl ez bar 8x35, 8x30, 2x12x25

Triceps pulldown 20x45.5, 15x49.5, 12x49.5, 15x40

Barbell bent-over row 3x15x40
& lying reverse fly 3x12x5

DB fly 3x15x12.5
& Triceps DB extensions 15/15/12x10

Hammer curls 18/14x12.5, 12x12.5
& Barbell curls 10/8x25, 9x22.5

Sobota, 15. 9.

GYM - 1:15 h (MOČ)

Poskoki 5x5

Squat jump z DB 3x(2x2.5), 3x(2x5), 3x(2x7.5), 3xBW

Hexbar deadlift low handles 3x149, 2x154, 0x159

Half back squat 3x4x110

Push press 3x3x65

Paused front squat 4/5/5x70

Single leg KB deadlift 3x12x(2x8kg)

core hanging knee raises 12/11/10/10

Nedelja, 16. 9.


Rowing cable rope 18x50, 12x54.5, 10x59, 12x50

Chest press naprava 12x90, 8x100, 9x90, 12x80

Straight arms pulldown 12/12/11x54.5

Triceps extension ez bar 15/15/12x25kg

Biceps ez bar curls 14/12/8x35kg

Pullups 8/6/5
& bent-over barbell rowing 12/11/9x50

Bench press 6x70, 7x65, 8x60
& DB fly inclined 12/9x12.5, 8x10

Hammer curls 18/12x12.5, 14x10
& spider curls biceps 18/14/12x7.5

Kickback triceps extensions 3x18x(2x5kg)


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: 2017/18

Odgovor27 Sep 2018, 11:23

Vmes 5 dni pavze - Piran.

Sobota, 22. 9.

GYM - 1:30 h (MOČ)

Poskoki, 4x7

Squat jumps 3x3 BW

Front squat 3x3x80

Hexbar deadlift 2x144, 3x2x154

Bulgarian split squat 3x10x(2x15kg)

Crunches (no hip flexors) 3x20
& Hyperextension easy 3x10

Hanging knee raises 12/11/10

Ohlajanje, kolo 6 min

Nedelja, 23. 9.

TEK - 50 min


Rowing cable 15x59, 12x63.5, 8x59, 15x54.5

DB bench press 12x27.5, 9x27.5, 10x25, 8x25

Barbell triceps extension 18x25, 12x30, 10x30, 15x27.5
& hammer curls 20x10, 18x12.5, 10x15, 14x12.5

Delts lateral raises 12/11/10x7.5
& overhead press DB 12/10x12.5, 12x10

Pullups 9/7/6
& Preacher curls 18/14/10x7.5

Pushups 20/17/15
Triceps plate extension easy 3x20x10kg

Ponedeljek, 24. 9.

GYM - 1:20 h (MOČ)

Poskoki 5x8

Straight leg box jumps na 20/24" 5x2

Drop jumps 4x4 (vsakič zviševal odskočišče: od 2x20, 3x20, 3x20+1x10, 4x20)

Explosive half squat 4x70, 4x80, 3x3x90

Deadlift 2x135, 2x142.5, 1x147.5

Hip thrust 3x10x100
& Hang knee raises 10/9/8/8/7x10kg

Torek, 25. 9.

TEK - 55 min

Sreda, 26. 9.

GYM - 1:15 h (MOČ)

Poskoki 5x8

Weighted squat jump (hexbar) 4x3x44

Front squat 4x2x85
& core rotational barbell 4x20x20kg

Hexbar deadlift 5x149, 4x154, 3x159

Deadbugs 35/30/25x5kg


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: 2017/18

Odgovor30 Sep 2018, 17:42

Četrtek, 27. 9.


Cable row 10/9x68, 13/10x63.5

Straight arms pulldown 3x12

DB bench press 12x27.5, 7x30, 9x27.5, 10x25

Barbell triceps extension 14/13/12x30, 16x25
& Hammer curls 16/14/12x15, 16x12.5

Rowing barbell 3x13x50
& reverse fly bent-over 3x15x2.5

DB inclined fly 3x15x10
& Pushups 15/12/12

Biceps seated DB 20/18/15/14x10
& Overhead triceps DB 15/13/12/10x20kg

Sobota, 29. 9.

GYM - 1:15 h (MOČ)

Poskoki 5x6

Squat box jump 4x4

Explosive half squat 5/5/4x85, 5x80
& Assisted jumps 4x8

Deadlift 2x145, 1x150, 3x130

Paused front squat 4/4x75, 4/4x70

Core side deadbugs 3x20


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: 2017/18

Odgovor07 Okt 2018, 16:47

Ponedeljek, 1. 10.

Tek - 0:50 h

Tek 28 min
Vaje moč štange, 7 krogov
Pullups 3x
Dips 4x
Hanging knee raises 6x
Pushups 8x
Tek 10 min

Sreda, 3. 10.

GYM - 1:35 h

Single leg jumps

Front squat 3x85, 3x1x90 (everything felt heavy)

Hexbar deadlift 3x154, 3x164, 2x169 (veliko boljši filing kot pri počepu)

Landmine overhead press half kneeling 5x10x10kg

Barbell row 12/12/10/10x60

Bulgarian split squat 10/8/8x(2x17.5)

Reverse hyper 5x15x20

Četrtek, 4. 10.

GYM - 1:20 h

Explosive pullups 4x3x5kg
Push press 4x3x60 (fast)

Front squat 3x5x75
Barbell rowing 5x6x80

Bench press 7/6/5x70
DB row single arm 3x12x30

Biceps curls seated 3x (s 15 in 12.5 kg)
Overhead triceps extension 3x

Sobota, 6. 10.

GYM - 1:15 h

Jump with short prejump 4x6 (na box)

Front squat 4/4/3x90 (kul!)
Pullups 4x8

Deadlift 3x140, 2x145, 1x150 (drugi rep je spolzel iz rok)
DB row single arm 3x20x20

Core leg raises lying 15/15/14
& crunches 15/15/12

Nedelja, 7. 10.

GYM - 1:15 h

Squat jump 5x2

Hexbar deadlift 6x154, 5x164, 3x171.5 (vse PR)

Paused front squat 2x4x82.5, 2/1x85

Bench press 4x75, 6x70

V zadnjem tednu zaradi faksa ni bilo več časa delati split hipertrofija in moč, ampak pač vedno bolj full body. V naslednjih tednih nadaljujem z veliko počepanja, dodajam več volumna veslanj in back work


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: 2017/18

Odgovor14 Okt 2018, 20:46

Nor teden za mano, za fitnes malo manj časa.
Začel sem delati vsak trening več volumna za hrbet!

Sreda, 10. 10.
Basket 2 uri

Petek, 12. 10.

GYM - 1:30 h

Submaximal jumps 3x30s/30s easy

Explosive half squat 3x4x80
Box jump s korakom zaleta 3x2

Front squat 5/4/4x80
Upper back work: facepull red band 5x15

Staggered stance romanian deadlift 3x10x40
Reverse hyper 5x12x20
Upper back work: straight arms pulldown red band 5x20

Hip thrust banded knees 3x10x70

Biceps curls 13/12/11/12x12.5
Triceps pushups banded 15/13/11/12

Nedelja, 14. 10.

GYM - 1:10 h

Double jump na box 20" 3x3

Front squat 4/4/3/2x85
Upper back work: facepull to Y-press red band 5x12

Hexbar deadlift 3x3x159
DB row inclined 4x20x(2x15kg)

Bench press 8/7/7x65
Hang knee raises 4x10
Upper back work: external rotation red band 4x10 each

Popoldne: basket 1 ura


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: 2017/18

Odgovor22 Okt 2018, 13:29

Četrtek, 18. 10.
GYM - 1:20 h

Squat jump on box 20" 3x3

Front squat 5x85, 3x90, 2x1x95
Upper back work: facepull 7x18 (red band)

Deadlift 4x140 (pri 5. ponovitvi grip :( ), 1x150 (pri 2. ponovitvi grip :x ), 2x155 PR (z magnezijem)
DB row one arm 5x15x25

Military press 3x5x50
BW horizontal row trx 12/11/10

Petek, 19. 10.
GYM - 1:20 h

Squat jump 3x3

Back squat 3x3x100
Upperback work: pulldown wide 7x20 (red band)

Bench press 7x70, 6x75, 3x80
Step ups on 20" (asymmetrical - one arm) 4x10x15kg

Triceps 16/16/15/14x10
Spiderman curls 16/16/15/15x10

Hammer curls 10x15, 2x12x12.5
Banded triceps pulldown 3x30 (red band)

Sobota, 20. 10.
GYM - 1:30 h

Drop jump to broad jump 3x4

Paused front squat 3x4x85
Upperback work: facepull to Y-press 7x12 (red band)

Barbell rowing bent-over 15x60, 12x65, 10x70
Hip thrust 3x8x110

Pullups 4x8
Upperback work: external rotation 6x15 (red band)

Reverse lunges on 20kg plate (asymmetrical) 3x10x27.5kg
Hamstring curls on yoga ball 4x12

Nedelja, 21. 10.
GYM - 1:20 h

Poskoki 4x8

Deadlift 4x140 (5. rep fail), 3x140 (4. rep fail), 2x145 (3. rep fail), 2x145
Upperback work: wide pulldown kneeling 7x20 (red band)
DB bench press 3x10x27.5

Half kneel landmine press 10/8/8/8x50
Upperback work: band pull-a-part 20/20/15/15 (red band)

Ponedeljek, 22. 10.
GYM - 1:30 h

Hexbar deadlift 2x169, 0x169, 4x2x159
Inclined DB row 6x15x22.5
Hang knee raises parallel bars 7x15

Goblet squat 4x12x25
Reverse hyper 4x10x30

Chinups fat grip 3x7
Hammer curls 16/14/12x12.5

Biceps curls z drop setom 3x


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: 2017/18

Odgovor27 Okt 2018, 17:35

Četrtek, 25. 10.

GYM - 1:25 h

Front squat 4x2x92.5
Upperback work: facepull 6x20 (red band)

Romanian deadlift 4x12x40
Pullups 9/8/8

DB row single arm 3x20x22.5
Split squat 3x12x40

Petek, 26. 10.

GYM - 1:30
morning workout :(

Bent-over barbell row 3x18x50
Single leg KB deadlift 3x10x16 each
Upperback work: pulldown kneeling 5x20 (red band)

Bench press 9x70, 7x75, 3x80
Reverse lunges rear foot elevated 3x8x70 each

Triceps barbell lying 15/15/14x30
Hammer curls 16/16/12x15

DB fly inclined 3x15x10
Hyperextensions 3x12
Upperback work: band pull-a-part 3x15 (red band)

Biceps curls DB 20x10, 12x12.5, 10x12.5, 13x10
Banded pushups 13/12/12

Plavanje - 1:10
150m, 200m, 250m, 200m, 200m
Šprint: 4x25m

Sobota, 27. 10.

GYM - 1:20 h

Recovery: front squat 3x8x60
Upperback work: external rotation 5x15 (red band)

Military press 3x5x50
Lying leg raises 5x15

Inclined DB row 15/13/13x(2x25)
deadbug variation (arms banded) 5x20
Lateral raises delts 5x15x(2x5)

DB bench press inclined 10/10/8x25
Hang knee raises 3x10 (red band)
Rotation core banded 3x10 (red band)
Calves standing single leg 5x15

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