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Deadlit - conventional ali sumo?

Pogovori in vprašanja o treningu v naravnem bodibildingu, powerliftingu, olimpijskem dvigovanju uteži ter drugih športih.
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  • Prispevkov: 86
  • Pridružen: 09 Dec 2012, 14:34

Re: Deadlit - conventional ali sumo?

Odgovor01 Maj 2014, 21:27

jokamskos napisal/-a:Če nisi crossfit nimaš razloga za T&G.

jap, se strinjam. Edini plus je, da dobiš ven več ponovitev.
TnG ima slab transfer v 1RM, ne izboljša eksplozivnosti, toliko kot jo paused, težko je ohranjati tehniko- zakaj bi se sploh trudil s tako variacijo DL-ja?
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  • Pridružen: 17 Mar 2012, 23:32

Re: Deadlit - conventional ali sumo?

Odgovor02 Maj 2014, 17:57

čista teorija. in ravno zaradi tega sem izpostavil T&G. Magnusson in Leeman npr. sta pravo nasprotje tej teoriji. deadlift vedno T&G. oba imata velik deadlift in super hitrost glede na težo. torej ta teorija ne more držat 100% v praksi.

" I used to train in the same gym as Benni so I know him a little. Once I came across him teaching a bunch of kids, 13-15, how to deadlift. To my shock and horror, they were doing the absolute worst deadlifts I have seen, lower back bent as a pretzel, legs straight. I didn't want to interrupt the master at work, but after training I asked him about it. Why didn't he correct their form? Well, he has a theory. In his opinion, people should begin to deadlift badly. This strengthens the lower back while the weight is still light. If you try it later you'll destroy your back and by then it's too late to get a really strong lower back.

So my point is, people believe all sorts of strange things.

He also believes you should always do at least two reps in the deadlift and always touch and go, never reset. This, he says, is because the deadlift has no eccentric component and it's important to train that. So always two reps.

Also, he likes progressing in sets, particularly doubles. 2x2, 4x2, 6x2 etc. I like that too. "

kaj je moj point. včasih ima zgleda, break some rules, smisel. fuck theory, rezultat je tisto kar šteje. eni lahko očitno boljše in hitreje napredujejo s T&G v praksi, ne glede na teorijo -zgleda da eni lahko odlično odreagirajo na ekscentrično kontrakcijo pri deadliftu in se jim tudi odlično prenese v napredek 1rm dviga.
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Re: Deadlit - conventional ali sumo?

Odgovor02 Maj 2014, 18:13

Js čist odvisn od dneva kok se mi da..včas T&G včas pa od začetka. Pač itak ni važn nakonc.
Uporabniški avatar


  • Prispevkov: 86
  • Pridružen: 09 Dec 2012, 14:34

Re: Deadlit - conventional ali sumo?

Odgovor02 Maj 2014, 20:21

Leeman je itak izjema in ne standard, zato je nerelavnatno, kaj on dela.


  • Prispevkov: 11
  • Pridružen: 19 Jan 2014, 16:14

Re: Deadlit - conventional ali sumo?

Odgovor13 Maj 2014, 20:07

http://articles.elitefts.com/training-a ... structure/
če se kdo nemore odločit kateri mu je ljubši

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