Danes je 10 Feb 2025, 14:31

Coming back stronger

Dnevniki članov skupnosti Natural Muscle Zone. Svoje treninge, prehrano, fotografije in zanimivosti iz svojega življenja lahko delite z drugimi ali pa jih zapišete za lastno evidenco.
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  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: Coming back stronger

Odgovor26 Sep 2017, 19:46

Torek, 26. 9.

Zunaj 1:05 h
Hill sprint 4x9sec (high intensity)
Hill broad jumps bilateral 5x5 (high intensity)
Hill broad jumps unilateral 3x5 each leg (high intensity)
Jumps 2 stairs 8x15 (low intensity)
Jumps 2 stairs with midjumps 8x15 (low intensity)
Jumps lateral high? 6x5 each leg (high intensity)
Total volume: 240 (low intensity), 45 (high intensity - unilateral), 25 (high intensity - bilateral)

GYM - 1:55 h
DB bench press 12/9x27.5, 12/9x25, 12/9x22.5

Military press 4x8x35
& Lateral raises 4x10x2.5
& Krogi z elastiko 4x8 z red band

DB tric extensions drop set 3x (12x10/7.5/5)
& tric extensions 3x30 red band

DB pronated fly inclined 4x12x7.5
& Hex inclined press 4x10x12.5

Triceps kick back drop set 2x (12x7.5/5/2.5) each arm

Triceps pulldown drop set 3x (various weight, reps from 12-15)

Danes malo probavanja z drop seti


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: Coming back stronger

Odgovor27 Sep 2017, 10:01

Sreda, 27. 9.

GYM - 2:45 h

Close-grip bench press 2x8x60, 2x10x55

Chinups 5x20kg, 3x4x20kg

Tehnika SQUAT
Squat 4x5x60
Squat z elastiko nad koleni 2x5x60
Squat narrow stance 2x5x60
Front squat 3x5x40
Overhead squat 2x5x20

Behind the neck press 4x15x20

Deadbug 4x12x2.5
& crunches 4x24

Farmers walk kettlebells 16 kg, 4 min
Airdyne 8x 10s (20s rest) = 60 cal
Tek 15 min 167kcal

Hoja 47 min domov iz gyma, lowi ntensity cardio


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: Coming back stronger

Odgovor28 Sep 2017, 10:49

Četrtek, 28. 9.

GYM - 2:05 h
Kolo 5 min

Facepull cable 20/20/18/15

Straight arms cable pulldown 20/15/15/20
& straight arms band pulldown 4x15

DB row 4x5x37.5 each arm

Barbell bent-over row 3x20x30 (na vsakih 5 repsov: 5s isometric hold)
& inclined seal DB row 3x15x10
& facepull band 3x15

Hammer curl drop set 3x 12 x(12.5/10/7.5)
&red band curls 3x30
& curls with a plate 3x15x10

Cable rowing (easy) 5x12x36

Curls cable 4x15

EZ bar curl 4x15x10
& Band curls 4x30

dynamic plank on yoga ball 3x30s
& deadbug s štango 0kg 3x30

15 min, 156 kcal, 2,28km

Dober trening danes, kljub samo 5 urcam spanja :(


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: Coming back stronger

Odgovor29 Sep 2017, 09:37

Petek, 29. 9.

GYM 1:50 h

Tek 10 min

Lat pulldown 4x10

Core activation: deadbug 3x (total reps: 60)

Back squat 1x90, 1x95, 1x102.5, 1x107.5

Bench press nalaganje in 1x85

Hyperextensions 45° barbell 2x10x15
Hyperextensions 45°single leg 2x8 each

Tek 10 min, 125 kcal

Hoja 50 min domov iz gyma, low intensity cardio

Bolj beden trening :) Jutri še zadnji dan programa, še nevem če bom šel sploh. Drugače pa lower mal hecanja in roke.


  • Prispevkov: 545
  • Pridružen: 17 Jan 2015, 21:36

Re: Coming back stronger

Odgovor30 Sep 2017, 20:33

Sobota, 30. 9.

GYM - 1:15 h

Kolo 5 min
Izpadni nazaj 5x5x80 each
pretty easyyy

Deadlift technique - nalaganje do 110 kg

Glute complex:
3x (hip thrusts 15x + frog pumps 15x + glute bridges 15x)

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